Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tired of being....

SICK!!!!! Poor Aaron was sick over the Thanksgiving holiday with this cold/sinus/congestion/killer whatever it is that is immune to any meds...and unfortunately it was passed to me on Sunday.UGH. Who knew it was possible to go thru a box of tissues a day, and that any kind of cold/sinus/congestion/etc. meds just give about 30minutes of mild relief until your head feels like it's going to explode again. So far Morgan hasn't gotten it. She and I have already had it once in Oct. It really wouldn't be so bad, if only I didn't have less than a week to try to get my whole entire December to do list done before we leave for GA next week for my Mom's wedding. Oh well, I guess I'll do as much as I can and the rest will have to wait until....who knows when! Tomorrow will have to be much better with hopefully many less sniffles and tissues!