Thursday, April 22, 2010


It's been one to those weeks around here. Morgan has been really sick and is finally starting to get better...and now as of this afternoon-I've got what she had. aaaaaggghhh! And of course Aaron is working a night shift! so funny, ok not really!!! I really don't have time to be sick. I'm still trying to catch up on things around here from being out of town 2 weeks ago. Oh well, there is nothing that I can do other than head to bed now and try to get some sleep...and yes for all of you who really know me, it is 8:oo pm here, and yes I'm going to bed...that should tell you something! Tomorrow is another day...hopefully with everyone feeling better!

1 comment:

Amy© said...

Bless your hearts, being sick is no fun! Do you need anything? Chicken soup? Sympathy? Groceries? Lemme know!