Thursday, September 23, 2010

Score! Vintage finds...

It's amazing how old is becoming the new "new". To be honest I never really gave old things a second glance (except for a few reproductions in Pottery Barn) until my friend Amy drug me through the huge antique/everything vintage store here. My first purchase was a gorgeous chippy red painted chair and a distressed black desk. That was over 3 years ago and it's been a slow love affair of many things vintage. Now granted anyone who has been in my house will tell you that primitive and rustic isn't my style, but I do like pieces that add texture and character to a room. Love mixing old with the new. Now onto the pictures below. I have been blessed with an amazing friend that loves to craft and shop like I do (it's a little scary how similiar our taste are) so we took a recent trip to the antique store and found a few little things, but our greatest finds were at a small flea market that we went to after apple picking last Saturday. Wow, I think if we'd had more money and more room in the van, we would have tried to bring everything home!
A cast iron stand that has found a place in my kitchen at the moment

I have been wanting one of these forever...found this one at a yardsale for $'s in mint condition (love the color)

these jars came from the flea market...$1 a piece...unbelievable
There ready for a spring if only it was spring!
love the old wooden boxes...this one will get repainted -only $2
Crazy as it sound this primitive shelving piece is one of my all time favorite finds. I know it's incredibly primitive. It's over 5 ft tall and has 20 compartments and weighs a lot!!! Give me some time to get this one cleaned up and painted and distressed and it will look like a different piece. Already got a place for it in my office...imagine that!
just loved the apples in the crate

fell in love with these old blocks, especially this one

couldn't pick up just one block though....everyone's enjoyed spelling out words with these. the engraved pictures are amazing with detail
just really liked this vintage book of coupons for ice blocks
and of course I've always loved old black and white postcards of other countries.

these are not vintage mittens, but we did get the idea from the craft fair where someone was selling these mittens made from upcycled sweaters. loved them, my friend found the pattern and I made these from some sweaters I had for crafting. Looking forward to wearing these this winter. nice and toasty! (will definitely be making some more of these...the color possibilities are endless! )


camport said...

Someday, when we're stationed somewhere close by, I will antique/flea market with you. I LOVE ANTIQUING!!

There's a huge show here this weekend and next. Sadly, there are no funds for old goodness at the moment.

LOVE your cast iron stand and fan. I've been looking for a fan. I don't know what I'd do with it, I just think they're fabulous.

Score on the giant shelf, too. Love it!

:) Chrissy

Unknown said...

Oh my..can I just have everything in this post?! Esp. the jars and the 20 holder shelf... LOVEEE IT! Nice finds:)